Why you should know the Indian Film Crew (two articles)

 Copy and Paste from CBC: 

ScreenShot of quote from https://thecinematheque.ca/films/2021/the-nfbs-indian-film-crew

Screenshot from : https://thecinematheque.ca/films/2021/the-nfbs-indian-film-crew

Secret Life of Canada

Why you should know the Indian Film Crew

All-Indigenous crew made groundbreaking documentaries

Screenshot from :https://www.cbc.ca/radio/secretlifeofcanada/why-you-should-know-the-indian-film-crew-1.5843618

What does it mean to be seen? In this episode Falen and Leah look into the history of the National Film Board and Indigenous filmmaking in Canada. For over 70 years the NFB had been filming and documenting Indigenous lives in its films, but in the late 60s a massive change happened at the cultural institution: the creation of the Indian Film Crew. 

Today's episode — "You should know the Indian Film Crew" — explores how the Indian Film Crew opened doors with their groundbreaking works, and helped shifted minds and hearts.

Click Screen Shot for redirection to the podcast :)

or click link: https://www.cbc.ca/radio/secretlifeofcanada/why-you-should-know-the-indian-film-crew-1.5843618


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